
The story of how I kept my new year's resolution for of them anyways.

Resolutions This year has taken on a theme for me. With 2017 drawing to a close, I want to share some thoughts and experiences I’ve had regarding mental health. Specifically, Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I’ve almost written lengthy Facebook posts about Generalized Anxiety Disorder multiple times, but after typing them up, I always deleted them because I felt icky about using such a heavy, personal subject to collect “likes” on Facebook or some other cheap form of validation. And I mean let’s be honest, it feels great when something you say gets over 50 likes or even get’s shared multiple times by your friends. I knew it would become about approval for me, so I decided I would just save my thoughts on anxiety disorders for people who specifically ask to hear them. Within the past several months though, I’ve had a lot of conversations with people who are also struggling. People who sought me out because they heard me mention in passing that I struggle with anxiety, and ar